Nursing Home Abuse​

If a loved one could be experiencing neglect, injury or emotional distress or death as a result of their nursing home treatment, you may have a right to recover. 

Many times injury arises as a result of negligent personal supervision and care, negligent maintenance of premises, or negligent selection or maintenance of equipment. In a wrongful death action we may be able to help you recover even if the nursing home accelerated the death of your loved one by seconds.  Klaproth Law can help you recover in the following nursing home negligence cases:

  • Serious bedsores (pressure ulcers)
  • Falls and tripping
  • Medication errors
  • Severe malnutrition or dehydration
  • Injuries to residents who wander off (elopement)
  • Sexual or physical abuse
  • Assaults


To learn more, contact Klaproth Law to schedule a free consultation to assess your legal recovery.

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