
Whistleblowers can receive huge payouts for exposing fraud

Many employees who are aware of fraudulent billing, executive compensation, manipulating medical coding, accounting irregularities, or cooking the books are placed in a horrible situation.  They know that what is happening is wrong, but they fear that if they speak up, they will be punished or fired.  Often the employees will look for new jobs or quit to try to distance themselves from the fraud.  What these employees don’t know is that federal and state law have many protections for reporting fraud, or “blowing the whistle.”  These laws will not only protect the employee from retaliation, they can also result in huge cash awards.  In fact, there are many ways for the whistleblower to remain completely anonymous.  It pays to come forward and blow the whistle.  To borrow the phrase from the New York Police Department, “if you see something, say something.”  But you will need a lawyer to help you through the process and ensure that you receive your cash award.  Below are some of the areas of law that protect whistleblowers.


If there is fraud in your workplace, contact Klaproth Law for a free, confidential consultation.

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