In Washington, D.C., we have a name for the folks who stand in the left hand side of the escalator, blocking the path of dynamic D.C. locals – “escalefters.” If you want to relax on the escalator, you may certainly do so, but please do it on the right side of the escalator. It’s nothing personal.
Yet, as frustrated as D.C., Maryland and Virginia locals may be about the so called “escalefters”, many of whom are tourists, recent U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis statistics should put things in perspective for us. Specifically, May 2012 statistics show that international visitors to the United States have spent a whopping $13.9 billion on travel and tourism-related activities. This makes tourism U.S. number one export, constituting approximately a quarter of all U.S. exports.
To date, international visitors have spent $68 billion this year, up 12% compared to last year. At this rate, 2012 will be the most lucrative tourist year in the U.S.
Obviously, such an influx of foreign cash has a significant impact on U.S. jobs. So, next time you see an “escalefter”, or someone wearing a fanny pack and staring at a map, help them out or at least refrain from seemingly warranted impoliteness.
Tourism immigration attorneys, Washington D.C., New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia
If you are a tourist in one of our fine cities on the East Coast of the United States and are injured or have a loved one that is injured, contact us for a free, confidential consultation.